
The YCR offers one-day virtual workshops and in-person training sessions for its users.

For virtual workshops, two free options are available, catering to different expertise levels:

                1. Basic version: EM operation and Negative Stain EM using SerialEM and Talos L120C.

               2. Advanced version: SPA data acquisition with SerialEM and Glacios.

These workshops will be conducted via Zoom and will not include hands-on practice due to time constraints. Their purpose is to familiarize users with the topics, reinforce areas that they may have overlooked during instrument training, refresh their knowledge, and provide workflow updates.

The workshops will be held on the last Wednesday of each month, alternating between basic and advanced versions. They might be cancelled if fewer than three users register. The workshop content, instructors, and frequency will be adjusted based on participant feedback.

The 1st virtual workshop of 2025 has been postponed to February 26 from 10 am to 5 pm, due to the annual PM service and autoloader repair work reducing the Glacios’ availability in January.  Jianfeng Lin will introduce the SPA data acquisition with SerialEM and Glacios. The training materials and Zoom meeting link will be sent to participants before the workshop. To register, please email

For in-person training, YCR offers four types of training for various expertise levels (pleased see YCR-Policies for details):  (1) Negative stain EM training on Talos L120C or Tecnai T12; (2) CryoEM basic training on Glacios; (3) Advanced training on certain techniques and applications (e.g., Advanced training on SPA with SerialEM); (4) Refresher training

Interested Yale colleagues should set up a Yale FOM account (, and request training via email to one  of the following staff members: Jianfeng lin (Science Hill), Marc llaguno (Yale School of Medicine), or Shenping Wu (West campus)Their email requests should also include an EM Training Request Form (an example is provided). External users please contact Jianfeng lin. 

Users participating in in-person training will incur usage charges as per our standard fee schedule. For instance, CryoEM basic training on Glacios includes 3 hours of sample preparation training and 18 hours of EM/SerialEM training (refer to the trainig agenda). Training can be conducted in groups of two or individually, with costs of $1470/internal trainee and $2940/internal trainee, respectively.
