Yale CryoEM Resource Advisory Committee
Frederick Sigworth (Chair of the YCR Advisory Committee; Professor, Cellular & Molecular Physiology)
Amy Blanchard (Director of Research Cores, YSM)
Michael Crair (Vice Provost for Research)
Lisa D’Angelo (Associate Provost for Research)
Anthony Koleske (Deputy Dean for Research (Basic Science), YSM)
Mark Lemmon (Professor, Pharmacology)
Jun Liu (Professor, Microbial Pathogenesis)
Ben Myers (Director of Research Cores)
Harley Pretty (Director of Finance and Administration)
Anna Marie Pyle (Professor, MCDB)
Karin Reinisch (Professor, Cell Biology and MB&B)
Brian Smith (Deputy Dean for Research (Clinical and Translational), YSM)
Yong Xiong (Professor, MB&B)